The first pic is the kitchen right now. The second is my newest idea. The large doorway into the kitchen is not original, and we're planning on closing it in no matter what. We've debated making it smaller instead of eliminating it, but either way, we need some wall there again to re-run the duct work for the office. Some of the duct is still in the wall above the doorway; the rest was removed when they made the opening. Walling in that doorway would really close in the dining room, so we might add some kind of window in the back wall. Not quite sure yet what we're doing there...
Next "weekend" will finally be a work weekend. Shayne and I have 2 days off together, so we should be able to accomplish something in that time. Since it will be nice out, my priority is the stairway and sanding the remaining few bits of woodwork.
I just realized that your kitchen is just about the same size as mine. I have a question -- is the 11' dimension along the wall with the window? If so, then I probably can't do what you did -- My 9'+ dimension is along the window wall (base of the U) and there's no room to put a dishwasher, and I've been contemplating putting one perpendicular to the sink, but even that seemed really tight to me.
Anyway, if your window wall is the 11'+ one, then I'm sure it will be too tight, but if your window wall is the 9'+ one, let me know how that works for you to have the dishwasher door come down where it does.
I hope that made sense!!
The wall with the window is the 9+ foot one. There's no room for a dishwasher on mine, either, so the dishwasher has to be perpendicular top the sink. We've been living with it like that since we moved in, and we've just gotten used to it, I guess. Our other option is to move it to the wall where the stove is now and put it at the very end of the counter. That would allow for someone to stand between the sink and the dishwasher. Right now, you have to lean over the dishwasher door in order to load it. It does keep water from dripping on the floor as you move dishes from the sink to the dishwazsher... The positioning isn't ideal, but it works! :)
I've been amazed as I go through your blogs how (to me, though not my fiance lol) similar our houses are. I've been poring over foursquare pictures since I finally tracked down its style, but my house is so much smaller then what i've found, their was only similarities in its characteristics. However our upstairs floor plan would probably be itdentical if our staircase was shifted more to the center. You even had the same wallpaper in your office that i have in one of my bedrooms. Either way, now that i've gotten so far off topic lol, I had to post that the plan you have for your kitchen would bring it similar to ours, only our appliances are completely switched. (our stove where your fridge is, dishwasher by where your stove is and fridge where D/W is) Where your entrance is I have this weird window that looks straight across from my front door on far side of entryway into kitchen beside my refrigerator. I've just opened my blogspot/houseblog accounts, and unfortunately i'm leaving for training for two weeks but hope to start documenting what we've started and plan to do. I Love to have finally found others with my same plans (I have a similar addition on the rear of house, currently a laundry/mudroom area that i'm hoping to expand full length of house to move half bath back there, expand kitchen some and maybe make it two stories) tribulations oh yea and HATRED of wallpaper and layers of paint ( I cringed at all you went through with citri stripper...a heat gun saved us after only a few window paynes and a vinger/water solution worked best on the one room we've pulled wallpaper from so far). Your floors looked just like ours still do, we're on a much slower schedule with our wedding only two months away! I've babbled! I looke forward to following your renovations, and hope you'll tune into ours once its up and running!
Don't know if you finished your kitchen yet - but wanted to make a suggestion. I notice that you have an L-shaped counter beside the refrigerator in the new layout. I would suggest not making this an L-shape but just a straight counter. Even though it would be less surface, it is likely to be more usable space in that you can walk directly up to it rather than squeeze into the corner made by the L. Similarly, you will have easier access to the insides of the cabinets. The upper cabinet might look nice with windowed doors - to remove some of the bulk next to the largeness of the fridge. Anyway - great idea to move the door to get a wall of useful space. Good luck with your restoration and remodeling.
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