I want so badly to rip out the carpet in the kitchen and laundry area. I know that those two rooms are subject to a lot of spills and messiness, especially since the laundry area is our entryway as well. Shayne won't let me tear up the house any more than it already is, so I settled for cleaning the carpet.
Here's what the rinsewater looked like:

That's not even the water from the first round. That's the water after the carpet had already been "cleaned" once, and I went over it again with just water to rinse. I even rinsed it again after taking this picture, hoping that by rinsing it I pulled up a lot of dirt. Sadly, the water was no cleaner. I'm wondering if I should keep rinsing it in hopes that all of the dirt will eventually get pulled out, or leave it alone because the dirt may be under the carpet and by rinsing I'm pulling it into the carpet. A disgusting dilemma...
Since it's finally cooled off, I've been catching up on other cleaning as well. I've vacuumed the entire house, and I don't mean I just vacuumed every room. I'm talking under beds, in closets, walls, window sills, everywhere. I really wish I could vacuum the cat. She threw up another hairball tonight, right in the middle of the bed. So now, at 10:00, I'm having to wash the bedspread and sheets. Why can't she ever throw up anywhere convenient? It's always on the little bit of carpet we have, on the new area rug, or the bed. Thanks Kitty.