
Improving the kitchen

I think today we're going to go spend some money!  Our dishwasher has a chronic flooding problem, plus it never did a great job of cleaning dishes.  I think its day has finally come, and we're going to replace it.  While we're at it, I'm feeling like we should ditch our existing fridge as well.  It doesn't match either of the black/stainless appliances in the room, plus it's just a bit too big for the space and covers over the back porch/mudroom trim.  I figure we can sell it on craigslist for $100 rather than have the Big Box store haul it away.  Then when we go to sell the house, all the appliances will match.  I think we're also going to get some laminate "tile" flooring, since the flood ruined the el cheapo laminate "wood".  Since we don't anticipate any more water issues, the new floor will go a long way towards sprucing up the room.

Once it's warm enough outside, I'll remove the wallpaper and paint the walls sage green.  The ceiling tile will be removed and replaced with drywall (the plaster is beyond saving :(  ) once we replumb the bathroom.  And we'll get new countertops and sink.  It will be more modern looking than the rest of the house, but I think if I'm careful, I can incorporate some arts and crafts touches that will tie it in nicely.  It's far from the my dream kitchen, but I think the results will appeal to more buyers without clashing with the rest of the house.

It's a hard line to walk.  I had so many ideas and dreams of how I wanted this house to look.  Part of me cringes at the idea of a "stylish" kitchen, and I feel guilty for doing something not quite in keeping with the house's character.  But honestly?  Most of me is glad to be doing something, anything, that will help this house sell.  I'm also excited to have a kitchen that doesn't look like crap, even if it's not precisely what I had dreamed of.  It will be clean, the floor won't be wavy and bumpy, and I won't be ashamed to have people over.

I'm so tired of living in a half-finished work zone, and I'm ready to get this done.  Even if we live here for another 5 years (please God, I hope not!), it will be ready to sell.  It won't look like a construction zone.  I can get rid of my endless cans of shellac, denatured alcohol, and paint thinner and start really living here.

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