

I'm one of the few people I know who doesn't dread winter.  I love the snow and don't mind the cold.  That said, I'm SO looking forward to spring.  We've been blessed with a few days of 50+F degree weather, and it's been great.  Unfortunately everything looks gray, dead, and muddy, but out in the yard my tulips and peonies are starting to poke up.  And the sun is actually shining!   Ethan and I have been out for walks a couple of times, and I actually got to go for a run this morning.  I am seriously out of shape, and it really sucks.  I may have lost all my baby weight, but I also lost all my pre-baby muscle.  Hmpf.

Spring also means garden time.  And while I'm excited about expanding my beds, for some reason I'm not-so-excited about starting seeds.  I don't know where I'll put them, don't have any of my supplies...  Ugh.  I'm behind, and I haven't even started yet!

Shayne and I got a $200 gift card for subscribing to AT&T U-Verse, so I think we'll be using that to buy the lumber and top soil for the raised beds.  A friend of mine has composted horse manure and a tractor to load it into our truck, so we're squared away on compost.  It's not organic, but it's free!

I need to start calling around to get estimages for the floor sanding.  The sooner this house is done, the happier I will be.  Shayne and I have a new harebrained idea, but I'll save that for another post...

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