
The Resolutions

I know, I know, it's such a cliche, and I've never been much of a New Year's Resolution kind of gal. But I do have some things I'd like to accomplish this year, both personally and with the house.

For the house:
  1. Finish office, master bedroom, and little front bedroom.
  2. Find and install a "new" front door
  3. Finish the stairway

The list is pretty short, and none of the items are huge projects. All that needs to be done in the office is to finish the wallpaper removal, skimcoat the walls and ceiling, and close off the doorway to the hall closet. The master bedroom needs a new east wall, but that's it. The little front bedroom needs a coat of paint, and the cove piece on top of the baseboards needs to be installed (I have no idea where the original went, but at least I found matching replacements). I'd like to refinish all the floors upstairs as well, but I can live with them for a while.

The front door... Just about every single craftsman house in our area has the door I'm looking for (9-lite prairie style), but I can't seem to find any for sale.

The stairway will be my first spring project, as soon as I can open the windows to vent the sawdust.

On a personal level...

  1. Create a vegetable garden and grow carrots, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and maybe broccoli.
  2. Learn to can my own veggies, sauces, and meats.
  3. Increase our food storage to a 3 month supply.
  4. Take at least 6 backpacking/camping trips (to keep my sanity)

There's more I'd like to do as well, but these are the things at the top of my list...

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